High Access Equipment

Cradles & Crane Loading Decks

Rockcastle offer Cradles & Crane Loading Decks for hire which can help increase crane productivity as materials can be lifted directly to the required floor.

Our Capabilities:

  • Cradles
  • Crane Loading Decks


Cradles allow for works being completed on a building façade without the need for tying in as they are rigged temporarily over the roof. Cradles offer a quick, lightweight solution to areas of a client’s façade that may not have a sufficient footprint to support mast climbers or scaffolding. This could be the area of a façade which protrudes above an adjacent building.

Cradles & Crane Loading Decks

Crane Loading Decks

Rockcastle offer crane loading decks for hire which can help increase crane productivity as materials can be lifted directly to the required floor.

Cradles & Crane Loading Decks